Friday, May 7, 2010

To my one and only Korean Twin...

I tried to make you a party photo, but mostly this happened:

And after so much success of course this worked out

So even if it's not "perfect", I hope it's complete. =]

I love you.

p.s. I've known you for about 12 years, how crazy is that?? I think you're the person I've known the longest yet being able to remember the day we met (hopefully that makes sense to you...)

1 comment:

  1. Your Korean Twin :)May 9, 2010 at 3:57 PM

    You. Are AMAZING. You have no idea how much this made my day, and continues to make my following days!!

    I laughed, I cried--it moved me, squigglepyramidsunrise.

    Happy birthday to you, too!! Remember when we decided to have a three day feast and slumber party, starting on my birthday and lasting through yours? Yeah. That still needs to happen.

    Can we have a small elephant there, too? I'd really like a small elephant. You know, just for decoration, and for getting rid of banana peels.

    I love you. And its crazy how long we've known each other. It makes me very, very happy.

    Very happy. :) sankyuufoyorfrenchchip! Taaasti!
