Thursday, May 13, 2010

I just wanted to share that finally I do NOT feel like this!:

But rather like this!:

Today really feels like the first day of summer.
Yesterday just felt like hibernation before everything could start.
I'm finished though!! Still super hard to believe.
who am I to say that it's not just a long weekend
without studying? I'll feel it soon though,
because my brother is coming!!!


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words!
    The first picture expresses exactly how I feel right now. But, like you now, I will feel like the second one in a little over a month :)

  2. Congrats on finishing well! Have fun with Michael!

  3. Katrina, it feels like it never ever will. But it actually does. A little over a month is so so close! Will you have your bac after that?

    Thanks Sheryl! We are having lotsofun!
