Sunday, May 30, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

This post is dedicated to my parents.
Unfortunately I forgot to do this this morning. Oh well though, it's still the 14th here.

I hope you find yourselves here right now. But eventually I hope you understand this photo too:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I just wanted to share that finally I do NOT feel like this!:

But rather like this!:

Today really feels like the first day of summer.
Yesterday just felt like hibernation before everything could start.
I'm finished though!! Still super hard to believe.
who am I to say that it's not just a long weekend
without studying? I'll feel it soon though,
because my brother is coming!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

That's how many hours of school I have left.
And I'm super excited because He's going to rock this thing.

And it's 6:10am, not 4...and I'm sort of winning the being up competition with the sun.

Friday, May 7, 2010

To my one and only Korean Twin...

I tried to make you a party photo, but mostly this happened:

And after so much success of course this worked out

So even if it's not "perfect", I hope it's complete. =]

I love you.

p.s. I've known you for about 12 years, how crazy is that?? I think you're the person I've known the longest yet being able to remember the day we met (hopefully that makes sense to you...)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Strawberries covered in mint flavored dark chocolate...

That pretty much sums up today.
Today has definitely been an "A day".
I am so thankful for this blessing.
So I decided since I can't really express
it accurately, I would show you a picture.

[two things about this photo a) I am demonstrating
the only way to eat chocolate covered strawberries
(i also recommend paper-towels) b) I realized I look
mad or up set, so here is one that proves that
assumption wrong]

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ahlalalala Life is wonderful.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I will sing to the Lord
And I will lift my hands
For You have brought me out of the pit.

I have messed up extravagantly,
and that (adjective) is just the way You love.
Thank you for that.