Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm so glad it has nothing to do with me or how I feel.
But right now, I feel it so fully.
mmmmmmmmm hmmmm mmmmm.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 is the kind of day that:

it takes 7 minutes instead of 10 to get back to your car

the wind is blowing so hard you are basically crying, which clears your sinuses (happy dance worthy accomplishment)

you spend the whole very possibly stressful drive home thinking about sweaters and buttons and future craft days

you have happy lights and slippers to welcome you home,

was made for one of the best hot chocolate experiences ever,

you draw a fake fireplace and tape it on your wall, and it's happy. NOT half-hearted and a reality-shocker

somehow so conveniently you left your Ingrid Michaelson and Lisa Hannigan playlist open on itunes the night before, 

euphorically your english teacher was absent yesterday and you have no english homework.

you know truth and you feel it satisfy you.

Today is a day that is beautiful.

(Oh ninja sleet storm, I defeat you.)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today, that is a very happy word.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Its so nice when you're standing in/or about to join a really really long line at the store, then a new cashier opens up and you are first! Even though patience is given when asked for, it's really nice.
That happened today, and I feel like it happens a lot...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I love milk.

Over the past month I've had several discussions with different people
about chivalry. Dislike for the definition it's obtained with some.
Others' want to encourage it. We could go everywhere with it,
but honestly I think it's a calling. And if more men had this
characteristic/standard then probably less women would try to
get attention through scanty dress and low behavior, because
they would feel their worth and then would show respect in
return. It would be a better cycle. But we are dirt.

with that preface:
Tomorrow marks the end of week three.
In my english class I sit by a Esuardo. He doesn't really pay attention.
But could do very well if he tried. The first time we took
a test he was trying to erase something with a blunt mechanical
pencil eraser. I gave him mine, as I was reading a question and not
marking an answer. Some other class session we were given papers
and when they came to my table he was texting so I eventually
got his for him. Today after leaving class he was walking out
of the building before me. He could've just walked out and left,
that is what I expected. But instead he stood there holding the door
open even though I was probably 15ft away.
Maybe he felt obligated? encouraged? Maybe it's typical and
I've just never seen him at the door before.
It was something small. I don't expect it to happen again.
But I wanted to remember.
It's the little things.

[I also got a very unexpectedly high grade in English]
"thanks" and the completion of joy.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This is my happy face. Can you see my happy face?


Post Groovaloo ticket purchase.

Itzhak Perlman? Groovaloo? Itzhak Perlman? Groovaloo?

Of course they're on the same night and technically I need to see Groovaloo for school.
It's okay, he's only 64, I'll see him someday.

(some of) the after-math of a list day

Happy thoughts:

Blue m&ms that have no "m"
Peach tea
Good, earned sleep
playing a piano well, after a month of not playing at all
Photographers who have a theme and do it well
time to read
My rooms
yellow wild flowers
knee-high socks
oil-spill rainbows
The honeymoon chair at mugwalls
enamel cups
blossoming trees
New journals
The Sound of Music
Hot chocolate and toast
sometimes knowing
pistachio nut

(Thursday, leaving Blinn)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today is a list day.