The past couple of days have had rich times in the word! And I've been thinking a lot about hunger.
Since getting here, it's been a blessed thing.
The world labels hunger as a bad thing, as something to be fixed.
But in my recent experience it is not. In a completely materialistic way it's something that can lead to thanksgiving, you can be satisfied and instead of just waiting to be hungry again you can delight in being filled.
Hunger the last few days for me is something that has signified satisfaction.
When diving into the word I'm already satisfied, but I hunger and thirst for more.
even my physical hunger has now taken on a positive meaning. When feeling physically hungry
it reminds me that I feel nothing compared to how hungry for the Living Word I am.
I honestly wish everyone could view their physical hunger like this.
To have food is nice. Food is, like I mentioned earlier a great tool for thanksgiving and praise.
But it is no longer a tool of stability or security.
Food is blatantly not eternal. Bread goes bad in a week.
Produce as well.
But, thanksgiving.
Eternal response.
His word is living. Everything else is a means to deeper understanding.

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