My joy is on a growth spurt,
About to rip through the clothing
That is my chest cavity
That is my chest cavity
Driving to the sounds of Beirut's East Harlem
They tempt to burst my ear drums
This Texas night's story is told by its smells
Soil, horse manure, skunk and spring
The quality of my driving is equal to that of a drunkards
Dizzied, simply by existence
Awed by the grand functioning of life
Straining to be heard
By myself
Over my own music
I realize
The frogs would be better at
Harmony than I
So the trumpets and accordions
Bring this moment to a close
Bring this moment to a close
(Rather than my arrival at destination)
I smile at passers by,
If only they could share this moment
By hearing a glimpse of my ruckus
But how does one share the joy in their heart?
Upon return the duffle bag of laundry
Is left forgotten in the back seat
It had once been the purpose in flight
Now replaced
As if the trip were all for the sake of
Coloring my cheeks
Giggling, I return for the bag
Because…was it not?
I disguise my childish delights
With the face of responsibility