This post is dedicated to my parents.
Unfortunately I forgot to do this this morning. Oh well though, it's still the 14th here.

I hope you find yourselves here right now. But eventually I hope you understand this photo too:
I just wanted to share that finally I do NOT feel like this!:

But rather like this!:

Today really feels like the first day of summer.
Yesterday just felt like hibernation before everything could start.
I'm finished though!! Still super hard to believe.
who am I to say that it's not just a long weekend
without studying? I'll feel it soon though,
because my brother is coming!!!

That's how many hours of school I have left.
And I'm super excited because He's going to rock this thing.
And it's 6:10am, not 4...and I'm sort of winning the being up competition with the sun.
That pretty much sums up today.
Today has definitely been an "A day".
I am so thankful for this blessing.
So I decided since I can't really express
it accurately, I would show you a picture.

[two things about this photo a) I am demonstrating
the only way to eat chocolate covered strawberries
(i also recommend paper-towels) b) I realized I look
mad or up set, so here is one that proves that
assumption wrong]

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Ahlalalala Life is wonderful.

I will sing to the Lord
And I will lift my hands
For You have brought me out of the pit.
I have messed up extravagantly,
and that (adjective) is just the way You love.
Thank you for that.